football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach - coach football

football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach

football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach

     ce livre est très important pour chaque entraîneur car il contient une très grande quantité d’information et il existe en trois parties  :

  1. Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training - Speed & Agility - Injury Prevention 
  2. Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: Periodization - Seasonal Training - Small Sided Games
  3. Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training - Speed & Agility - Injury Prevention by Adam Owen Ph D (2016-08-10) 


Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: 

Fitness Training - Speed & Agility - Injury Prevention

       Adam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European professional clubs. Assistant author Dr. Alexandre Dellal is the Head of Physical Preparation at OGC Nice and a leading researcher in the world of football science.

Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: Periodization - Seasonal Training - Small Sided Games

Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach:   Periodization - Seasonal Training - Small Sided Games

       Adam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European professional clubs. Assistant author Dr. Alexandre Dellal is the Head of Physical Preparation at OGC Nice and a leading researcher in the world of football science. The primary aim of this book set is to make use of modern coaching methods and football science principles to educate coaches working with players of all ages and levels. This book will help increase

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